Maintenance Moves to Make Before Summer Gets Here

If you are interested in any or all of these home services, contact us today for a free estimate.

With summer just around the corner, you can say goodbye to the cold temperatures, the snowy yards, and the icy roads. But spring is not just a welcome reprieve from the winter season; it is also an excellent time to take advantage of the warmer weather and prepare for those sweltering summer months.

No one wants to spend their summer fixing up their house, which is why we recommend getting these house maintenance moves out of the way so that you can relax outside your home and enjoy the summer weather.

1. Roof Inspection

Professionals suggest getting a roof inspection at least once a year, and there is no better time of year to get your roof inspected than during the springtime. Roofs often bear a heavy burden during the winter, especially when there are large snowfalls. If there are any cracks in your roof, you will want to know as soon as possible.

2. Cleaning Out Gutters

Your gutters are likely full of leaves, dirt, and all kinds of muck from winter and spring storms. All it takes is one area to be clogged to cause major problems. When left unchecked, these clogs can cause damage to the shingles, roof, exterior, and interior of your home. Routine gutter cleaning can prevent these costly repairs, saving you hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

3. Deck Staining

Having your deck stained will give your backyard area some much-needed color. After a long winter season, decks often become faded and discolored from snow, ice, and salt. The last thing you want is checked wood on your deck that begins to warp and crack. A fresh deck staining gives you just one more reason to spend a relaxing summer night on your backyard deck.

4. Window Repairs

Many homeowners are often shocked to find just how much damage has been inflicted on their windows from the winter. Whether it be cracks in the windows that need to be replaced or panes in need of recalking, it’s always best to take care of those issues before the summer.

5. Power Washing & Exterior Painting

Summertime is meant for hosting barbecues, bonfires, and outdoor activities. There’s no better way to impress your friends and neighbors than professionally power washing and painting the exterior of your home. Get rid of all that built-up grime and mold that are unpleasant on the eyes. Follow that up with a fresh coat of paint, and your home will have the curb appeal you desire.

But it’s not all looks! A quality paint job will also protect your home from exterior damage for years. Not to mention the health benefits of removing any germs or toxins with a power wash. Plus, it’s a terrific way to increase your property value.

If you are interested in any or all of these home services, contact us today for a free estimate.

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