5 Things a Professional Interior Painter Never Does

As interior painters with over 30 years of experience, we at Gateway Home Services know all too well what can happen when a paint job is done unprofessionally.

Most people underestimate the amount of work that should be put into an interior painting job. Expert interior painters make many preliminary preparations and educated choices on the colors, types of paint, and other details to achieve a professional result that lasts for years and matches the owner’s initial vision.

If you want to evaluate a paint job done by an interior painter you hired, there are 5 things a professional would never do.

Not Testing What They Are Painting Over

One of the first steps to take before the whole painting job begins is determining what they’ll be painting over. A simple test patch with rubbing alcohol will tell them if the old paint is oil or latex-based. The type of paint they are dealing with is crucial in the preparations that follow.

Painting Without Proper Cleaning and Preparing of the Wall

Applying paint on a wall that wasn’t cleaned and repaired properly can compromise the entire process. Dirty walls will cause the new paint to chip, crack, or be patchy. Proper preparation includes deep cleaning with proper products, repairing any uneven areas, cracks, or holes, stripping the old paint off, applying the right kind of primer, and leaving enough time between the steps to allow the walls to dry completely.

Skipping the Second Layer of Paint

As homeowners, we get it: you want your painting job to be finished as soon as possible. Having a house full of masking tape, plastic, and paint cans are unpleasant, but your interior painter has to be strict about the paint job’s quality.

If the second layer of paint is skipped to save money, time, or effort, the final result will not be satisfying.

Using Cheap Tools and Products

Finding an affordable interior painting service is any owner’s intention, but compromising the paint job’s quality for a few extra bucks is not worth it in the long-term. Cheap tools can create streaks and uneven layers of paint, which will show in the end result.

Cheap paint is also problematic, as it might need extra layers for being pigmented enough, and it won’t perform as well as higher-priced paint.

Skipping the Taping

You might think that a professional interior painter doesn’t need taping before applying the paint. While they will surely have a steady hand with their painting tools, the tape is still needed to protect other surfaces from splatter and give a perfect finish.

Interior House Painting Services

As interior painters with over 30 years of experience, we at Gateway Home Services know all too well what can happen when a paint job is done unprofessionally. To ensure that every one of our clients is satisfied with our work, we treat every step with respect and patience.

12 thoughts on “5 Things a Professional Interior Painter Never Does”

  1. It was a pleasure to work with someone who was both professional and pleasant to work with. We were really pleased with everything from the original quote to the final painting. This company comes highly recommended by me for any painting needs.

  2. BRS Custom Painting performed a fantastic job on the painting. It was a pleasure to work with someone who was both professional and pleasant to work with. We were very pleased with everything from the initial bid to the final painting. This company comes highly recommended by me for any painting needs.

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